"When it starts to rain, save the fire."

"The eyes eventually adjust to the darkness."

"It really isn't as complicated as some folks make it out to be. You're born, you die, and in between you do the best that you can."

"God will not be found under a microscope, nor through the lens of a telescope, any more than he will be found between the pages of a dusty old book."

"If you choose to rid yourself of all ambition, you just may obtain the perfect happiness. Otherwise, you must put up with the inconsistencies of desire."

"Someday we shall be granted the power to make the Universe dance at our command. All of our human suffering and all the wisdom that comes with it will make us worthy when the time comes for us to receive that awesome power and the responsibility that comes with it."

"When it comes to achieving the impossible, all we can do is try."

"Great evil often occurs when too much importance is placed on the meager affairs of men."

"The only thing you get when you kiss someone's ass is a bad taste in your mouth."

"Flame that flares most brightly fades quickly."
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Magenta Zephyr
& the Universe Bender
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