"Sometime between the past and the present, we dwell in this precious, immortal moment. And somewhere between sunshine and shadow we find those miracles that give life meaning and help us to realize that we ourselves are miraculous, precious children of a wise and mysterious creator."

"You'll never bribe your way past the gates of heaven with worldly riches, no matter what you perceive heaven to be. Your soul won't bear the weight of even a single coin on its final journey. If you are truly worthy, you will be lifted aloft by the prayers of those who love you, and win your way through the gates with grace; the compassion you have shown to others in this lifetime."

"Heaven is not only overhead, but also beneath our feet, if we just follow the proper path."

"As long as one single soul remains in despair, we have not yet accomplished our purpose... Be kind and gentle to those you meet today, for a simple act of compassion might uplift the heart of a friend or stranger."

"The heart will remain anxious until your soul sings. Let your voice ring clearly, loud and true to what your spirit proclaims."

"Love is the great work, though every heart is an apprentice.Get to work you young dreamer! Your fate is determined by your diligence."

"You are a powerful force, a child of the universe.... A traveller through time and space, your every thought and action rolling forth like waves on the surface of a pond, leaving an indelible impression on the future."

"A person's most brilliant qualities are best illuminated by noble intentions."
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The Great Cosmic Book
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Magenta Zephyr
& the Universe Bender
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